Tag: Precision

Precision and Recall: The Fisherman’s Guide to Classification Metrics

Precision and recall are two important metrics used to evaluate the performance of classification models, especially when the class distribution is imbalanced. Let’s break them down with a simple analogy and an example. Analogy: Imagine you are a fisherman using a net to catch fish in a ...

Beyond Precision and Recall: A Deep Dive Deep into the Tversky Index

In the world of data science, metrics are the compass that guide our models to success. While many are familiar with the classic measures of precision and recall, there are actually a wide range of other options that are worth exploring. In this article, we’ll dive into the Tversky index. T...

Cholangiocarcinoma-On-Chip to Revolutionize Research and Precision Medicine

This microfluidic device accurately replicates the complex tumor microenvironment by incorporating primary cholangiocarcinoma cells, cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs), endothelial cells, and T cells from cholangiocarcinoma specimens from patients. Researchers used a three-channel chip architectur...

Pathos: Re-engineering drug development for Precision Medicine

There’s no worse feeling than watching a loved one fight bravely through a cancer diagnosis and battle through treatments while hoping for a miracle or a little more time. Suddenly, your doctor tells you that there’s nothing more they can do, and that palliative care is the only option l...

Types of Errors in Measurement. Accuracy and Precision.

Types of Errors in Measurement There are two types of measurement errors… 1. random errors (human errors) 2. systematic errors (instrumentation errors) Random Errors Random error = measurement errors that have an equal probability of being too high or too low, too ...

Precision Health and Its Application to Nutrition

My grandma told me this over a decade ago, and it has resonated in my head for years. Looking at the two of my grandparents, I couldn’t help but recognize the point she was trying to make. Not only did they look different in their characteristics, but their physical size and structure differed...

Exploring the Art of Calligraphy: Writing with Elegance and Precision

Calligraphy traces its roots back to ancient civilizations such as ancient Egypt, China, and Mesopotamia. It was used primarily for religious purposes and to preserve important texts. The word “calligraphy” itself comes from the Greek words “kallos” meaning beauty and “...

In pursuit of precision: the predictability of french noun genders

I’ve been staying with a French family for the past few weeks and, as an English speaker, something that keeps tripping me up is the gender of various French nouns. There are little rules you can follow, but the list is extensive and unrealistic to memorise. However, I kept seeing a fact pr...