In pursuit of precision: the predictability of french noun genders

<p>I&rsquo;ve been staying with a French family for the past few weeks and, as an English speaker, something that keeps tripping me up is the gender of various French nouns. There are little rules you can follow, but the list is extensive and unrealistic to memorise.</p> <p>However, I kept seeing a fact printed on various different sites: that if you learn 6 simple rules, you&rsquo;ll get the gender correct 80% of the time (see, for instance,&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank"></a>)</p> <p>There was never any evidence to support this &lsquo;fact&rsquo;, and so I decided to download a dictionary of French words and put it into code.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>