Precision Health and Its Application to Nutrition

<p>My grandma told me this over a decade ago, and it has resonated in my head for years. Looking at the two of my grandparents, I couldn&rsquo;t help but recognize the point she was trying to make. Not only did they look different in their characteristics, but their physical size and structure differed entirely as well. Despite this, they still took the same medications prescribed to them by their doctors without differentiation. I thought to myself: there&nbsp;<em>must</em>&nbsp;be a scientific reason they don&rsquo;t have medication personalized to their own specific needs. However, there isn&rsquo;t a reason, and the lack of personalization in healthcare goes directly&nbsp;<em>against</em>&nbsp;science.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>