Types of Errors in Measurement. Accuracy and Precision.
<h1>Types of Errors in Measurement</h1>
<p>There are two types of measurement errors…</p>
<p><strong>1. random errors</strong> (human errors)<br />
<strong>2. systematic errors</strong> (instrumentation errors)</p>
<h1>Random Errors</h1>
<p><strong>Random error</strong> = measurement errors that have an equal probability of being too high or too low, too long or too short, etc.</p>
<p>usually <em>“human errors.”</em></p>
<p>Haphazard, whoops, random experimental and/or measurement mistakes.</p>
<p><a href="https://medium.com/@justincketcham/si-base-units-si-prefixes-and-units-of-measurement-489e81585e28"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>