Tag: Planning

A Conversation With AI Regarding Urban Planning and Wicked Problems

I was recently selected by Katie Carroll, Head of Community at LinkedIn to contribute to an Artificial intelligence (AI) generated article regarding urban planning in a digital community campaign highlighting AI and human knowledge sharing. I was asked to add examples from my experience, in hopes in...

What Planning a Surprise Party Taught Me About Myself and Life

I was planning a dream surprise party. For my ex’s 40th. (When I still loved him, of course). I’ll call him Darren. I was super excited! And STRESSED. There was sooooooo much to organize. I had to find a way of covertly arranging all the activities I loathed. Activities he happened to...

Why Are Some People Better at Planning Time?

Time management is a critical skill in our fast-paced world, but not everyone excels at it equally. In this article, we will delve into the fascinating world of the brain’s time management mechanisms. We’ll explore the science behind why some individuals are better at planning their...

Why Are Some People Better at Planning Time?

Time management is a critical skill in our fast-paced world, but not everyone excels at it equally. In this article, we will delve into the fascinating world of the brain’s time management mechanisms. We’ll explore the science behind why some individuals are better at planning their...

Ditch Your Planning Apps: This One Apple Shortcut Will Change Your Life

From the age of 18–20 I was a full time Christian missionary. It was a daunting and traumatizing experience. A pivotal part of the routine was daily and weekly planning. Every aspect of the day was planned out in blocks. Though two of those blocks, taking around 8+ hours each day incl...

The Weekly Planning Matrix.

Weekly planning is one of the most critical parts of any solid time management and productivity system. Knowing what needs your attention each week is how you stay ahead of any issues and avoid building up impossibly large backlogs. Yet, scarcely any people do this. It’s as if all they want...

Recognition Planning

You know recognition is essential, so do you have a plan? Fundamentally, creating a recognition plan is a tangible expression of gratitude towards those who’ve helped you with your goals. As straightforward as that is, many fall short because they forget people are unique, and what fuels their...

Account Planning: Meaning, Best Practices, & How Actionable Org Charts Make it more Effective

Are you struggling to maximize revenue from existing customers? If so, leverage account planning in your business. It is one of the best and most effective B2B sales strategies that helps you to approach your customers in a more personalized way. However, to make it more effective, you can utilize i...

The Impact of the Internet of Things (IoT) on Smart City Planning and Development

Smart cities are the future. With the rapid development of technology and the increasing demands of citizens for a better quality of life. The cities are looking for innovative ways to improve their operations and services. The Internet of Things (IoT) has emerged as a crucial enabler for smart city...

Data-Driven Urban Planning

Urban planning is undergoing a transformation, driven by the ever-expanding capabilities of data-driven technologies. In Barcelona, where the Superblock model has sparked intense debates and discussions, the integration of data-driven approaches is reshaping the way policymakers and stakeholders mak...

Things I learned about urban planning in Copenhagen

During my exchange in Copenhagen I’ve noticed the different ways in which the city incorporates the sustainable aspects into their urban design, and here are some of my insights… Soft City of Denmark by Gehl. 1. People have a high living quality. The public spaces contain s...

Planning to fly out of Copenhagen?

On the morning of our flight out we took advantage of the generous free breakfast offered by the hotel before making our way to the airport. Since we had already checked in and only had cabin luggage, we figured the 2 hours we gave ourselves at the airport would be plenty of time. We took a leisu...

Analysing a Planning Permission Request in Dublin 8: Asking ChatGPT to help.

I’m sharing this as a Dublin resident invested in local planning issues, and as AI enthusiast fascinated by the capabilities of language models like ChatGPT. Above this text is a picture of a planning notice — a common sight in Ireland. I really hate these things. Because I&rsq...

NYC Welcomes New Cohort of Housing & Planning Fellows

Over the course of the program, the Fellows will rotate across six-month assignments at each of the four participating City agencies, including the New York City Housing Development Corporation (HDC), the Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD), the Department of City Planning (DCP)...

Retirement Planning Should Be on Your 2023 To Do List

Planning for retirement is a vital aspect of personal finance management. However, deciding on the best approach can be challenging with so many different strategies and options available. When planning for retirement, individuals must consider their financial goals, risk tolerance, and the timeline...

Retirement Planning: How To Plan For A Successful Retirement? By: Greg McKinney Mineola Texas

Retirement is the time when everyone wants to enjoy life to the fullest after years of working hard. Though, only a few people successfully manage to do so. The primary reason for this is the lack of retirement planning and not a proper understanding of how to go about it. Most people think that ...

The Best Quotes I’ve Heard About Retirement Planning Came from a 61 Year Old Veteran

He introduced himself as Ray. Hence, I addressed him so. Ray is my ex-colleague’s husband. He served in the Army for 20 years and left the armed forces to build his fitness and sports physiology business at 43. He sold the business at 55 while retaining a seat on the executive committee....

Retirement Planning: Maximize Income First, Then Minimize Taxes

The best way to maximize your retirement income is to start repositioning money into an income vehicle either at retirement or up to 10 years prior. This can also be part of a tax-free retirement strategy as well. But the income aspect should come first‼️ Once you’v...

Seasonal Fluctuations and Capacity Planning in Trucking

Delve deeper into the trucking industry’s calendar, and you’ll discern a rhythm as regular as the tides, driven by an array of forces ranging from retail demands to agricultural harvests. In the summer, for instance, the industry experiences what’s colloquially known as the ‘...

Deep Understanding Tesla FSD Part 3: Planning & Control

The vision networks(See the previous article for details) take dense video and then compress it down into a 3D Vector Space. The role of the planner now is to consume this Vector Space and get the car to the destination, while maximizing the safety, comfort, and efficiency of the...

Load Planning: Boosting Accuracy with Freight Dimensioner

The logic behind efficient load planning is simple: regardless of which truck load planning tool you are using, having accurate and reliable dimensional data is a necessity for creating a good load plan. Relying on inaccurate dimensional data leads to suboptimal load plans and...

Participatory Planning on Reducing Homelessness

The concept of participatory planning is revolutionary, rooting its philosophy in the simple yet profound belief that the people who inhabit a city should have a voice in its development. It’s a form of urban democracy where decision-making is not just the prerogative of urban planners and pol...

PBM Is Important in Your Health Planning, and You Need to Know This

Your access to medication and your health depends on three little letters, where most patients are kept in the dark. Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash For the most part, patients are unaware of the increasingly powerful middleman in determining the ava...

You’re probably planning lessons all wrong…

In the UK at least (and I’d be interested to know if this is true elsewhere), lesson planning seems to be getting increasingly complicated. I am old enough to remember when training was all geared around the three part lesson. That is starter, main activity and plenary. Then it moved more into...