Recognition Planning

<p>You know recognition is essential, so do you have a plan? Fundamentally, creating a recognition plan is a tangible expression of gratitude towards those who&rsquo;ve helped you with your goals. As straightforward as that is, many fall short because they forget people are unique, and what fuels their motivation varies. So, how do you ensure your recognition plan hits the mark for everyone on your team?</p> <p><strong>Start with a Conversation.</strong>&nbsp;Building a recognition plan starts with asking. Engage your team members in a conversation about what recognition means to them. Conduct surveys and sit down for one-on-one talks to understand their preferences. Some may cherish a shiny plaque, while others might savor a team lunch. Some value cold hard cash, and others would move heaven and earth for the chance to leave early or have extra time off. You won&rsquo;t know until you ask.</p> <p><strong>Personalization is Key</strong>. Understanding what inspires your team is personal, but it&rsquo;s essential. For example, suppose you thrust an introvert into the spotlight; you might not just embarrass them but discourage them from future efforts. Similarly, missing the mark with an extrovert by slipping a gift card into their mailbox when they were hoping for a parade is a recipe for disappointment. The lesson? Personalization.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>