Seasonal Fluctuations and Capacity Planning in Trucking

<p>Delve deeper into the trucking industry&rsquo;s calendar, and you&rsquo;ll discern a rhythm as regular as the tides, driven by an array of forces ranging from retail demands to agricultural harvests. In the summer, for instance, the industry experiences what&rsquo;s colloquially known as the &lsquo;Produce Season.&rsquo; This period, which sees a spike in demand for refrigerated trucks, is precipitated by the harvest and shipment of agricultural products. The wheels turn faster as fresh produce must swiftly go from farm to market. In contrast, the onset of winter heralds a slow-down for this segment, yet simultaneously signals the ramp-up to the retail frenzy of holiday shipping, propelling demand to its zenith.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>