Participatory Planning on Reducing Homelessness

<p>The concept of participatory planning is revolutionary, rooting its philosophy in the simple yet profound belief that the people who inhabit a city should have a voice in its development. It&rsquo;s a form of urban democracy where decision-making is not just the prerogative of urban planners and policymakers but a collective responsibility shared with its residents, including people experiencing Homelessness.</p> <p>The results are in cities like Helsinki, where participatory planning has been embraced. Helsinki&rsquo;s approach to Homelessness, characterized by the Finnish &lsquo;Housing First&rsquo; principle, emphasizes providing permanent housing as a primary solution. By involving those affected by Homelessness in the planning process, Helsinki has reduced its homeless population and created a more inclusive, empathetic urban environment.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p> <p>&nbsp;</p>