Tag: Patterns

Mechanical Advancement in Portable Application Improvement: Future Patterns and Assumptions

In the quickly developing scene of versatile application improvement, mechanical headways have consistently molded the manner in which we connect with our gadgets and the advanced world. From the beginning of basic utility applications to the ongoing period of modern simulated intelligence driven ap...

Generative AI — LLMOps Architecture Patterns

Deploying Large Language Models (LLMs) in the Enterprise The recent announcement that Open AI is considering launching an App Store for AI Apps (link) is quite interesting. It is to be expected that other major players, e.g., Google, AWS, Hugging Face, will follow suit. While the motive is clear,...

Container Component | Design Patterns in React

In React, container components, also known as smart components, are a pattern used to separate concerns and manage the state and logic of a component. They serve as intermediaries between the data and the presentational components, often handling data fetching, state management, and passing dat...

Don’t Just LeetCode; Follow the Coding Patterns Instead

Coding Interviews are getting harder. To prepare for coding interviews, you will need weeks, if not months of preparation. No one really likes spending that much time preparing for the coding interviews. So is there a smarter solution? First, let’s look at the problem. Anyone pre...

10 Microservice Patterns Software Engineers Should Know

Building scalable software requires a software engineer/architect to pick the right architecture especially when building enterprise software/applications. Monolithic architecture is usually the first choice in mind for most engineers because it is easy and does not have to deal with the distribu...

Discovering Design Patterns and Embracing Knowledge

On any given Wednesday, as a software developer in a in a Small Argentine Town, I woke up late. It’s not a habit, but I wanted to finish reading an e-book called “Steal Like an Artist” by Austin Kleon that I started last night; I highly recommend that you read it. It was 8:15...

My Junior developer told me: OO Design patterns are too complicated and useless

I learned a lot from our conversation. The conversation Weeks ago, lunchtime. My junior told me: “I think OO programming does not make sense, It is always over complicated things.” “Why do you think so?” I asked. Dude: “You see it always needs to create a...

Write Python Apps using Layered Architecture and Design Patterns

This is a complete and practical guide with full project code about Layered Architecture. Even if the code in this is written in Python, these ideas are general programming concepts and design patterns that can be implemented in almost&nbsp...

Design Patterns for Microservices

A pattern is a way to design an optimized structure for microservices. There are many ways we can design and build microservices. Here is a list of key design patterns used for decomposition, integration, data management, observability, and other misc. cross cutting concerns. Decomposition Dec...

Leadership Anti-patterns — with personal anecdotes

Learning via Negativa is robust. You should know what to avoid, especially mistakes people often commit. Leadership is a wide subject and mastering it requires practice and experience. The minimum you can do is to stay away from mistakes others commit every day. In this article, I provide a list ...

Mary Anne Carter Embraces Her Quirks With Candy Colors and Explosive Patterns [Interview]

“I’ve never been able to blend in,” says Mary Anne Carter, who bears a conspicuous port-wine stain on her left cheek, a maroon-colored splash that marked her face even as a baby. “[The birthmark] fast-tracked my need for self-acceptance and my embrace of self-expression,&rdqu...

Game Design Patterns: Flyweight

Using the flyweight pattern is a great way to optimize performance in your game, especially concerning large volumes of prefabs (reusable objects) and script instances. When using prefabs, you can save performance by reusing a copy of that object. While each&n...

Game Designer’s Creative Secrets | Design Patterns

DISCLAIMER: this article is just an introduction to Design Patterns in Game Design as part of my study behind games creativity. Your game is a genre by itself When we think of games like Mario and Super Meat Boy, it’s natural to identify them as belonging to the ‘2D platformer&rsqu...

Terraform Patterns, Observed

While Terraform is primarily a configuration language that abstracts the APIs of another platform, there are logic expressions available in Terraform allowing developers to introduce inferences and abstractions, improving the flexibility (or general accessibility) of a solution, without introducing ...

Using Sandwich To Understand Design Patterns in Swift

Design patterns are the blueprints that guide developers in creating clean, efficient, and maintainable code. The Builder design pattern is a creational pattern that allows for the construction of complex objects step by step. To make this pattern more accessible, let’s explore it using a real...

Swift Error Handling Patterns: Try, Catch, and More

Error handling is a critical aspect of writing robust and reliable software applications. Swift, Apple’s powerful and modern programming language, provides a comprehensive error handling mechanism that enables developers to handle errors gracefully and effectively. In this article, we’ll...

The Power of Invisible Patterns

The protagonist of Thomas King’s novel Sufferance, Jeremiah Camp, a.k.a. Forecaster, could look into the hidden motives of humanity and see patterns that held opportunities for the uber-rich. He saw something that sent him into hiding in a small town, at an old residential school on ...

What Are Spatial and Temporal Patterns in Ecology?

Iknow — ecological literacy is dull, thorny and sometimes not connected to the world that we live in. Especially if we don’t work in the field or find ourselves isolated from the natural world. Because yeh. That would take our minds out of patterns in nature. But what I truly wan...

Visiting Nature’s Pharmacy: Using Computer Vision to Explore Wild Animals’ Self-Medication Patterns

In the intricate dance of the natural world, animals often resort to fascinating survival strategies, including self-medication through the consumption of specific plants. This phenomenon, known as zoopharmacognosy, offers a window into the complex relationships between animals and their environment...

Unveiling the Mystique of Traditional Mehndi Patterns

Mehndi, or henna, has long been integral to various cultures. It weaves a rich tradition, symbolism, and artistry. This story isn’t about the looks of mehndi patterns. It explores their deeper meaning. It weaves together personal anecdotes and cultural insights. Mehndi’s allure transc...

A Comprehensive Guide to Digital Sewing Patterns

Starting a sewing project can be a thrilling experience, and with the advent of digital technology, the world of sewing patterns has undergone a revolutionary transformation. Digital sewing patterns, delivered in the form of a PDF file, have become a game-changer for both novice and experienced sewi...

Mastering Fit: A Step-by-Step Guide to Adjusting Sewing Patterns

Like many of us who love to sew, you probably started out using those commercial sewing patterns. You know, the ones with the step-by-step instructions and some video tutorials. It made sewing seem doable, right? But as you got better, you faced the common struggle we all do — getting the perf...