Swift Error Handling Patterns: Try, Catch, and More
<p>Error handling is a critical aspect of writing robust and reliable software applications. Swift, Apple’s powerful and modern programming language, provides a comprehensive error handling mechanism that enables developers to handle errors gracefully and effectively. In this article, we’ll explore Swift’s error handling patterns, including the <code>try</code>, <code>catch</code>, and other error-handling constructs.</p>
<p><img alt="" src="https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:612/0*EhGIPdbGGn0IGznQ" style="height:379px; width:612px" /></p>
<h2>Understanding Errors in Swift</h2>
<p>In Swift, errors are represented as values conforming to the <code>Error</code> protocol, which is an empty protocol used to identify error types. Developers can create custom error types by defining structs, enums, or classes that adopt the <code>Error</code> protocol.</p>
<p><a href="https://medium.com/@alexandragrosu03/swift-error-handling-patterns-try-catch-and-more-4466621c6fb1"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>