Tag: Parental

Unshackling Parental Insecurity in Raising an Autistic Child

Listen up, fabulous humans navigating the kaleidoscope of parenting. Yes, I’m talking to you, standing there in your superhero cape, ready to leap buildings in a single bound for your child. It’s time we had a chat about the big, terrifying monster that is… insecurity. Our son,...

Nintendo Switch Parental Controls DON’T WORK!

If your child has a Nintendo Switch, you need to know that with one easy trick your kids can reset your parental controls password in less than two minutes. So for Christmas this last year I got my kids a Nintendo switch. We had Gameboys and DS’s in the past, and they were mostly harmless, ...

Think of the Children: A Moral Argument for Parental Licensing

Consider this; the Government has introduced a parental licensing scheme that requires aspiring parents to pass an evidence-based evaluation on the quality of parenting they would provide their potential children. Adults are assessed on their emotional and psychological health, financial stability a...