Unshackling Parental Insecurity in Raising an Autistic Child

<p>Listen up, fabulous humans navigating the kaleidoscope of parenting. Yes, I&rsquo;m talking to you, standing there in your superhero cape, ready to leap buildings in a single bound for your child. It&rsquo;s time we had a chat about the big, terrifying monster that is&hellip; insecurity.</p> <p>Our son, Dyano, was diagnosed a while ago with Autism. As fate would have it, we have some dear friends who are also navigating this complex terrain with one of their kids. During a recent heart-to-heart, we discerned a shadow of insecurity looming over them, clouding the exploration we&rsquo;ve come to know with our delightful Dyano.</p> <p><img alt="" src="https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:630/1*WZfjgLiRZ91HrPZi1uw1EA.jpeg" style="height:700px; width:700px" /></p> <p>A while ago, I took my little man into nature. Photo made by the author.</p> <p>I wager this rings a bell for many. If you find yourself in the privileged role of guiding an autistic child, and you&rsquo;ve caught yourself oscillating in the labyrinth of doubt more than you&rsquo;ve witnessed the sunrise, then this piece of writing is your beacon of sanity.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/illumination/unshackling-parental-insecurity-in-raising-an-autistic-child-24fa29e81ee6">Click Here</a></p>