Nintendo Switch Parental Controls DON’T WORK!

<p>If your child has a Nintendo Switch, you need to know that with one easy trick your kids can reset your parental controls password in less than two minutes.</p> <p>So for Christmas this last year I got my kids a Nintendo switch. We had Gameboys and DS&rsquo;s in the past, and they were mostly harmless, so I went ahead and bought the Switch, assuming the same level of separation and a basically sterile interface. When we got it opened up and running, I was amazed. Not only is this the most advanced handheld I have ever used or seen, but this thing is also as wide open as a PC. Your kids can get themselves at no end of trouble on one of these. However, they do offer parental controls, which I immediately set. I restricted the apps and set time limits. The controls seemed really easy to use, and also quite feature complete. My kids really didn&rsquo;t like them at first, but then they just warmed up to them. No issue. The problem started when my oldest asked to put Fortnite on it. I don&rsquo;t mind him playing. I play also, but I also let the two younger brothers use the Switch with very little oversight as the parental controls seem to work so good. Therefore I told him no, the Switch would stay with only games appropriate for his brothers and we would have one device that did NOT have fortnite. There was some brief pushback, and then it all was fine. I assumed this was a closed topic and I put it out of my mind. For a little while.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>