Think of the Children: A Moral Argument for Parental Licensing

<p>Consider this; the Government has introduced a parental licensing scheme that requires aspiring parents to pass an evidence-based evaluation on the quality of parenting they would provide their potential children. Adults are assessed on their emotional and psychological health, financial stability and whether or not they have the time, patience and energy required to raise a child in an environment that would promote the child&rsquo;s best interests and opportunity for a good life. To most, such a regime would be hailed as overly authoritative and intrusive and would overstep the boundaries of government regulation on body autonomy. However, to adults who have experienced abuse first-hand as a child, such a regime would be a welcome first step towards preventing future generations from experiencing life-long harm and trauma. This essay will discuss how a parental licensing scheme, which focuses on pre-natal education and shifting cultural attitudes, is morally justified.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>