Tag: Oceans

“Irrigating” The Oceans

The open ocean—strangely enough—is the marine equivalent of a “desert.” While these deserts are in fact comprised of water, they share the same relative lack of biodiversity and low level of primary productivity. Such oceanic environments, of course, ...

Stars in the Ocean’s Sky

A vast field rustles with a roar In the wind coming in off the shore A single flower heralds a crown Her sent & color how she is found Her petals drift above the sea Acting like a mirror for me Website

What would happen if the oceans were made out of mercury?

First off, literally anything that has ever sunk over the millennia would rise to the surface, since the density of mercury is very high and any object would receive significant hydrostatic buoyancy because of Archimedes’ principle. Any ship would tip over and any living thing that lives in th...

Connecting the Dots across the Indian Ocean

The world is even smaller than we know. Follow the words… I’ve always loved languages (which does not correlate to being good at languages!). I love the subtle process of discovery. Words are like breadcrumbs, hinting at a culture and a history that help you better understa...