Tag: Missing

How to Fix Missing Dates for Time Series Analysis

My goal for this article is to help you understand TVFs and how to use them by walking you through an example that addresses the missing date issue common in time series analysis. In some situations, dates with zero data are important and must be shown/included in your dataset. For example: ...

How to Fix Missing Dates for Time Series Analysis

My goal for this article is to help you understand TVFs and how to use them by walking you through an example which addresses the missing date issue common in time series analysis. In some situations, dates with zero data are important and must be shown/included in your dataset. For example: R...

Here's What You Are Missing

How often do you think about the non-technical side of your profession? We both work in a field that values technical skills and productivity, so it's okay if you don't see non-technical activities such as personal branding and industrial visibility as top priorities. But by the end of th...

Vision: the often missing leadership ingredient

One of the most important skills I look for from current and future leaders is to be able to communicate vision. Without a clear vision, it’s impossible to align between members of the same team — let alone people from different teams. This is a skill everyone in the team can develop &md...

Here's What You Are Missing

How often do you think about the non-technical side of your profession? We both work in a field that values technical skills and productivity, so it's okay if you don't see non-technical activities such as personal branding and industrial visibility as top priorities. But by the end of th...

“The Missing Link That Makes Us Artists.”

““Art is like alchemy.” The alchemist attempts to make something precious from the mundane — artists, too. Ritual was all-important in alchemy — the process was connected intimately to the materials used. That’s true for any spiritual or creative endeavor.&rdquo...

Solving the Missing Prefab issue in Unity3d

When you start using source control solutions for your Unity project, chances are you encountered the dreaded Missing Prefab or a Missing Reference error at some point. In this article we’ll take a look at why it is happening and how to resolve it. The pain. The misery. You just finished a ...

Is Your Target Date Fund Missing the Mark?

Thank you for joining our investment webinar today — Is Your Target Date Fund Missing the Mark? My name is Sammy Azzouz, I’m the President and CEO of Heritage Financial, a Boston-based wealth management firm managing over $2.4 billion for individual investors and families. Our team of 44...

Missing the Market: Why Brands Refuse to Cash in On the Potential of Plus Sized Fashion

I see ads constantly in my social media feeds for clothing. Most of the time I just scroll by, because while the clothes often look cool, the chances they’ll have them in my size are slim to none. It’s frustrating to see something gorgeous that very much fits my aesthetic and to know I c...

Exploring Gravettian Cave Art: The Mystery of Missing Fingers

In the dim flickering light of my torch, my breath becomes a delicate mist vanishing before the cave wall. I press my hand against the cool wall of stone, a blank canvas for me and my kin. Water drips from the rocks above, matching the rhythm of my heart, echoing, echoing through the serene cavernou...

The Missing Half: How I Found My Father Through DNA Testing

Inthe months before I contacted my dad to alert him of my existence, I’d begun paying attention to the birds that frequented my backyard garden. By that time, my husband and I had lived in our 1920's butter-yellow house in Seattle for a few years already, but this was the first year tha...

You’re Scared Of A Weed Bad Trip Whilst Missing A Treasure

I’m having a minor yet obvious Cannabis-induced ‘bad trip’ as I type this. It happens sometimes. Though whilst writing a piece, it’s a first. Little black ants cover the infinite white page seamlessly. Meaning it feels easy to write right now despite the palpitations. ...

Exploring Gravettian Cave Art: The Mystery of Missing Fingers

In the dim flickering light of my torch, my breath becomes a delicate mist vanishing before the cave wall. I press my hand against the cool wall of stone, a blank canvas for me and my kin. Water drips from the rocks above, matching the rhythm of my heart, echoing, echoing through the serene cavernou...

Ancient Egypt and the Mystery of the Missing Phallus

Even by the standards of myth, Osiris’ penis went through some epic travails. One day it was there, along with the rest of Osiris’ godly self, as he ruled over Egypt. The next it was gone, as Osiris was murdered by his brother and literally dismembered — chopped into 14 pieces...

Sadness of Missing Out (SOMO) from Chinese New Year Celebration

Chinese New Year is getting so close, it’s only two days left. I no longer live in my own house with my parents, instead I live alone, making this year’s celebration feel different. However, I am never someone big on celebration. While I feel deeply connected to certain occasions, I don&...