Sadness of Missing Out (SOMO) from Chinese New Year Celebration

<p>Chinese New Year is getting so close, it&rsquo;s only two days left. I no longer live in my own house with my parents, instead I live alone, making this year&rsquo;s celebration feel different. However, I am never someone big on celebration. While I feel deeply connected to certain occasions, I don&rsquo;t make it a big party. I will go home and see my parents on the D-day, yet usually the vibes have been radiating on the air since many days before, and now it&rsquo;s not.</p> <p>My Instagram stories are dominated by people&rsquo;s preparation on this upcoming event. Some have been selling cookies and clothes since January. And if you&rsquo;re wondering, Chinese New Year is a celebration to visit your relatives while wearing new red clothes (because Chinese believes red means prosperity) and you&rsquo;ll be served with cookies and receive/give&nbsp;<em>hong bao</em>, which is money wrapped inside a red envelope as an expression of blessing.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: adness Missing