Tag: Mentor

How My Mentor Helped My Career

Imet the man who would become my mentor for the first time in September of 2014. It was truly one of the most impactful pivot moments of my life. Consider that, until that time, I had never had a true long-lasting, heavily-invested mentor to help me navigate my career. While I like t...

Daily Encouragement: Quotes From my Buddhist Mentor

The grandest purpose I have chosen for myself is to be part of the magnificent history of creating peace on earth— a goal that might take more than one lifetime. Rather than focusing on the history of the world being a series of battles for domination of one people over another, I choose to be...

Daily Encouragement: Quotes From my Buddhist Mentor

I wrote a song for the season and shared it with my friends. Here are the lyrics. (I am currently working on how to make and share audio.) Joy and Santa Claus 1. Mostly naughty, sometimes nice Makin’ a list and checkin’ it twice Driving a Ford or reindeer sleigh Stayin&rsq...

Daily Encouragement: Quotes From my Buddhist Mentor

This begins on a personal level. My partner and I have made a commitment to study/learn about communication skills by making time once a month to discuss material for the year 2024. We are currently reading a book on communication called, Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life: Life-Chang...

Daily Encouragement: Quotes From my Buddhist Mentor

I don’t call them “New Year’s Resolutions”, which could doom my goals and desires from ever being accomplished. Research shows 9% of Americans who make resolutions complete them. The research says that 23% of people quit their resolution by the end of the first week, and 43% ...

Daily Encouragement: Quotes From my Buddhist Mentor

There’s a lot to unpack in this sentence. You can highlight the need to look toward the future, or the picking up and putting down of your feet, the importance of not being distracted from your goal, or not being disturbed by the cacophony created by the multitudes of living things carrying ou...

Deutsch Mentor Learn German with AI

Deutsch Mentor is a platform where you can learn German, primarily by chatting with an AI. When I started https://deutsch-mentor.com a few weeks ago, I had myself in mind: an Italian, who lives in Germany and knows very little German, who wants to be able to have at least daily con...