Daily Encouragement: Quotes From my Buddhist Mentor

<p>There&rsquo;s a lot to unpack in this sentence. You can highlight the need to look toward the future, or the picking up and putting down of your feet, the importance of not being distracted from your goal, or not being disturbed by the cacophony created by the multitudes of living things carrying out their lives around us &mdash; or the importance of&nbsp;<em>proceeding in our own way.&nbsp;</em>This last bit catches my ear.&nbsp;<em>In our own way</em>&nbsp;means to me that I have a mission only I can fulfill. That&rsquo;s what I need to keep as my compass.</p> <p>Winning isn&rsquo;t about hurrying or comparing ourselves to others or taking every detour possible or measured by anybody else&rsquo;s standards. President Ikeda had many dialogues with dignitaries and daily met with members to encourage them. He also founded several institutions including universities and a concert association. Despite his packed schedule, he took time to write every day and he took photos traveling between his many peace-building activities.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@tovahrainsong/daily-encouragement-quotes-from-my-buddhist-mentor-5a35072a8bb9"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>