Tag: Medium

How one business school professor and AI expert uses Medium to share his ideas, build a following, and raise his professional profile

  Enrique Dans  is a Professor of Innovation and Technology at IE Business School in Madrid, Spain. He holds a B.A. in biological sciences from the University of Santiago de Compostela, an MBA from IE, a Ph.D in Information Systems from UCLA, and has done post-doctoral work at Harvar...

How Medium started growing again

Written media outlets have not had the best year in 2023: Washington Post, NPR, and Insider all announced layoffs. Vice had to be acquired out of bankruptcy. Buzzfeed shut down its Pulitzer-prize winning News Division and laid off 15% of staff after poor financial performance. ...

My First Post on Medium…

However you ended up on this post is a wonder to me. This is my first Medium post and I am stressed. Plastering my thoughts on the world’s public, digital bulletin board (the internet) for all to feast on makes me uncomfortable. The grammar police and meaning mafia are always in purs...

Why I stopped writing on Medium

This is the first thing I’ve written on Medium since 2021 (shock! horror!). The reason I stopped writing here is pretty simple: I’d jump on first thing every morning and see a whole lot of stories I didn’t give a damn about. All I could see were headlines about how to make it...

Hello medium readers which gaming system is for you Xbox, Playstation, or PC

First off there might not be one answer for me personally I like to play xbox and game on the pc (personal computer), but each system will have it’s benefits to certain personality types. This is why I believe that there isn’t one that is significantly better then the other. ...

Kubernetes Infrastructure At Medium

How we use Kubernetes to manage micro-services — a high-level view & Introduction Why Kubernetes? The simple answer is that it meets our needs quite nicely; and that it solves important, complex problems without us having to build the solutions ourselves. The obvious solutions Kubern...

How to Create Blogs on Medium and Make Money

Are you passionate about writing? Good news! You can make money by creating blogs on Medium. There are two ways to get started: Option 1: Become a Medium Member ($5/month) If you’re serious about writing and making money, consider becoming a Medium member. It costs just $5 per month, and...

About The Lying Liars Spreading Antisemetic Lies on Medium

I’ve written several essays about the brutal Hamas massacre in Israel on October 7, 2023, only to receive hate-filled comments filled with denials and excuses by those who are convinced that Israel is completely to blame for everything. They have tried to twist reality, much like every other g...

2024, Please Don’t Kill My Friends

This is my very first blog ever and my first writing on Medium. I have announced for almost a year to my loved ones that I wanted to start writing, heeding their lifelong nudges. One special friend, also chosen family, even responded by asking my favorite color and sent me a 2–pack of satisfyi...

Medium Is My Me Time, And I’m Not Mixing It Up With Work

Afew weeks ago, my wife suggested that I join Medium. She was on a personal one-article-a-day challenge and was starting to see some progress. She started making some money too. I do a lot of writing for my job, so she thought this could be my cup of tea. So I joined on Wednesday, January 4...

Is Fashion The Medium, The Method or The Message?

Fashion is best understood when it is compared to a language and language is both the medium by which concepts are created and conveyed, and also the means by which messages are articulated. This means that fashion, like language, has two aspects: the symbolic and the semiotic. The symbolic aspect r...