My First Post on Medium…

<p>However you ended up on this post is a wonder to me.&nbsp;<strong>This is my first Medium post and I am stressed.</strong>&nbsp;Plastering my thoughts on the world&rsquo;s public, digital bulletin board (the internet) for all to feast on makes me uncomfortable. The grammar police and meaning mafia are always in pursuit of novice writers with no posse to back them up or credibility online. There are those who attack others for putting themselves out there while they sit behind their screens in anonymity. The voice of one negative comment has the potential to outweigh ten positive ones &mdash; it&rsquo;s called the&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">negativity bias</a>.</p> <p>Writing in public feels like changing your clothes in the middle of Times Square with your flab and stretch marks in full display. It&rsquo;s intimidating. What if I look dumb? Are people going to judge me? How many of my friends or former colleagues may stumble across my writing? Will I get myself in trouble or make myself look bad? What will I write about that people actually care to read? Why should anyone listen to me? Even while writing this, I feel like I have fallen victim to significant&nbsp;imposter syndrome.</p> <p><a href="">Click Here</a></p>