Tag: Mass

Tiny Mass Games — Season 4 Devlog

I currently don’t have a ton to show in terms of cool visuals or screenshots at the moment but I’ve been steadily working on my game and wanted to share a little progress. This is the first project that I have done in Godot so everything has been going a little bit slower than I original...

We Need to Talk About Guns, Mass Shootings, and War

I returned home from Iraq before Christmas 2007. The PlayStation 3 had dropped during my time in combat, but became a hard commodity to come by, so I assumed I’d grab one for Christmas. As with any product around the holidays, it became impossible to find, but a few friends had got their hands...

Beautiful Visits in Mass Summers

Growing up, summer was always my favorite season. I found the winters in Boston, Massachusetts to be dull, dreary, and unexciting. But when I was not in school, and when it was beach season, I found myself at my happiest. Camping nights around a campfire, roasting marshmallows, and chasing ...

Why Johnny Depp’s “Black Mass” FAILED At Becoming A Classic Gangster Movie

In this clip, we see an admittedly entertaining exchange between Whitey Bulger played by Johnny Depp, a clearly corrupt police officer, and Tommy King played by Scott Anderson. Like every other scene in the film, this moment is well-shot with some nice balanced uses ...

Mass Extinctions

This is from the last lecture where Rachel, Steve and Dirk gave a joint lecture on mass extinctions. They used data from ocean drilled cores to understand how the change in the ocean chemistry indicated climatic changes world wide. The cores extracted from the sediments are such a key elements of th...

Mass Consumerism: Unveiling the Multifaceted Environmental Menace

In our modern society, mass consumerism, or the pervasive culture of excessive consumption, has emerged as a formidable challenge. As we continue to pursue the latest trends and innovations, the environmental consequences of mass consumerism become more apparent. This article will investigate the ma...

Bitcoin Mass-Adoption Just Isn’t Going to Happen

What ARE your most treasured possessions? Your house? Your car? Your Bitcoin? Sure, they are worth looking after, but certain things are far more valuable on a personal level. What about, for example, your photos over the last few years? Chances are these are all digital now and you’ll v...

“Decoding Mass Shootings: A Rational Approach to Understanding the Phenomenon and our Fear”

Tragically, it has happened again — a lone gunman taking the lives of multiple innocent people in a rural town in the United States. Eighteen people were killed, and 13 others were injured when a gunman with a high-powered rifle opened fire in a bowling alley and restaurant in Lewiston, Maine,...

Illinois Mass Shooting Suspect Found Dead in Texas

Here are the key facts of this story, as agreed upon by ¹The New York Times, ²USA Today, ³NPR Online News, ⁴CBS and ⁵BBC News. A man suspected of fatally shooting eight people in a Chicago suburb on Monday has reportedly committed suicide following...

Prague: 24 Fatalities in Worst Mass Shooting in Czech Republic History

Police believe that the gunman killed his father earlier in the day in his nearby hometown of Hostoun. Authorities also believe that the shooter was planning on killing himself; although the suspect died of his injuries following the shooting, it is not yet confirmed if his wounds were self-inflicte...

Mass Migration Through Panama’s Darien Gap Destroying an Indigenous Tribe — and Human Rights Organizations Don’t Care

WASHINGTON, DC — The leader of the Embera Tribe left his jungle homeland in Panama’s Darien Gap and came to the nation’s capital last week with an SOS message to the American people: a record-setting mass migration through his reservation, spurred by President J...

How low-mass black holes bend space the most

One of the most mind-bending concepts about the Universe itself is that gravity isn’t due to some unseen, invisible force, but comes about because the matter and energy in the Universe bends and distorts the very fabric of space itself. Matter and energy tell space how to curve; that curved sp...

Special Relativity: Mass, and Relativistic Mass

A problematic term for many aspiring physicists. Whilst the most famous equation in the world states that energy and mass are equivalent, countless textbooks and articles also like to describe it as the ‘measure of inertia’. So, which one’s correct? Both of them. Here’s...

The Story of Atomic Mass

Let’s start with how they got the atomic mass before the periodic table was created. Around the year 1811, Amedeo Avogadro compared the masses of two different gases of equal volumes under the same temperature and pressure. He noticed that the masses were different, and hypothesized ...

Follistatin, Gene Therapy, Muscle Mass, and Longevity

Frailty and Metabolic Syndrome cast gaunt (and flabby) shadows over our aging world; the need for new therapeutics has never been so urgent. Follistatin gene therapy addresses two pressing epidemics: frailty from sarcopenia (age-related muscle loss) and Metabolic Syndrome — a constellation ...

If light has no mass, why is it affected by gravity?

This is a wonderful question… In the first instance, it’s answered by Einstein’s theory of general relativity. (Spoiler alert, light travels along geodesics, which are approximately straight lines in most circumstances that humans encounter in everyday life, but are curved by...

Does mass increase when nearing the speed of light?

No matter who you are, where you are, or how quickly you’re moving, the laws of physics will appear exactly the same to you as they will to any other observer in the Universe. This concept — that the laws of physics don’t change as you move from one location to another or one momen...

Gravity as Geometry

if inertial mass and gravitational mass are exactly the same, everything will fall at the same speed, making it hard for a falling observer to establish that he is in a gravitational field. Einstein hypothesized that, not only would it be hard, but in fact impossible. This thought lead him down a...

A Beginner’s Guide to Understanding Probability Density and Mass Functions

Probability is a fundamental concept that underpins many fields, from statistics to machine learning. To better understand the distribution of random variables and the likelihood of certain outcomes, we use mathematical functions called Probability Density Functions (PDF), Cumulative Density Functio...

The Weight of the Internet: Unraveling the Ethereal Mass of Information

In the vast expanse of the digital realm, where data flows like a cosmic river of 1s and 0s, one intriguing question arises: How much does the Internet weigh? This quest for knowledge led us to embark on a journey to demystify the weight of information, a concept often overlooked in the virtual land...

Mass Tourism and Museums: is the Phenomenon Re-shaping Institutions?

The first thing we need is to understand why is this relationship controversial. Well, it’s mainly problematic for the so-called “Superstar Museums”, which were defined for the first time by Bruno S. Frey in 1998 as museums that are a ‘must’ for tourists, having achieve...


This island of Sao Miguel sprinkled with one charming little town after another is a paradise started by and formed by volcanic eruptions. It is a Catholic island, definitively, and I know this because there are over two hundred churches seemingly on every corner and then some. This island is about ...