Mass Tourism and Museums: is the Phenomenon Re-shaping Institutions?

<p>The first thing we need is to understand why is this relationship controversial. Well, it&rsquo;s mainly problematic for the so-called &ldquo;Superstar Museums&rdquo;, which were defined for the first time by Bruno S. Frey in 1998 as museums that are a &lsquo;must&rsquo; for tourists, having achieved worldwide cult status and whose visit is almost mandatory while traveling (for example the Mus&eacute;e du Louvre, MoMA, MET, Tate Britain, British Museum, Galleria degli Uffizi or Vatican Museums). On the one hand, this means recognition as elite institutions and an increase in ticket revenue but on the other hand, it has practical implications on the work of professionals, conceptually and practically speaking.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Mass Tourism