Tag: Many

Why Decision-Making Is So Hard for So Many

It’s my experience that most people struggle to make decisions, on matters small and large. Why they agonize is obvious, but most people don’t realize it. Understanding the underlying dynamic will help any of you who struggle on this front. First, let’s talk about what I mean by...

Too Many Meetings Is Not Your Problem

Recently Shopify decided to kill all its meetings, and somehow it was newsworthy. I’ve personally been a part of multiple efforts to combat meetings. A few years back Airbnb declared a “calendar amnesty.” With new guidance, everyone’s calendars were summarily wiped clean...

Too Many Meetings Is Not Your Problem

Recently Shopify decided to kill all its meetings, and somehow it was newsworthy. I’ve personally been a part of multiple efforts to combat meetings. A few years back Airbnb declared a “calendar amnesty.” With new guidance, everyone’s calendars were summarily wiped clean...

Venba Brought Up Far Too Many Memories For Me

I started writing this article shortly after finishing this game. I just had to write about it, I was thinking about it too much. I love this game. Venba is a game based on the Tamil culture originating in India. It’s a game about a mother born in India who has moved to Canada in the 80s for a...

Why it’s so difficult for many women to find a man.

It’s no secret that modern dating is a disheartening, frustrating and anxiety inducing endeavour. The age of dating apps has made it easier for people to be deceptive and cruel, coupled with the fact that we live in a superficial and throw-away society. I want to start off by saying that this ...

One Uterus Many Votes

The Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v Wade has caused no small amount of handwringing by some who find the loss of freedom for some persons, namely those with uteri, disturbing. While understandably upsetting, this is an opportune moment to jettison outdated ideas concerning the right...

Many Paths Of Healing

“There are so many different ways that we can heal,” Clinical Hypnotherapist, Rapid Transformational Therapist®, Empowerment Coach, and Reiki Master Christina L. Woods said on the most recent episode of my podcast Kaleidoscope of Possibilities: Alternative Perspectives on Mental Heal...

How Many Stars Are Really Visible?

Tucked into a sleeping bag under the stars in the mountains of Northern California as a kid, I marveled at the Milky Way, a magical yet real cosmic river of fuzzy brightness punctuated by points of light both faint and bright. I’d count the sparkling gems in a patch of sky through towering pin...

How Many Footwear Are Too Many? Who Cares Till It Gives You Pleasure!

For a woman who loves to get dressed from top to bottom creating a style statement, having the appropriate footwear is a must. Those gorgeous feet need to get dressed as well. Thankfully, nowadays we have a wide variety of choices in footwear. There are flip-flops that accompany you to a nice relaxi...

Friggin Perks of Too Many Birthdays

If shrinking is part of the deal as my birthdays pile up then it’s only fair I have a say in what shrinks. I’m all for a shrinking middle, a minimized keester, and less flab on the parts that used to be flab-free. The bad news is it doesn’t seem to work like that. Once a year...