We Don’t Need a Tech Bro President

Earlier this week, presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy voluntarily stepped into a massive pile of shit when, while attempting to justify MAGA conspiracy theories about January 6th, he wondered aloud how many federal agents were on the planes that took down the twin towers on 9/11. And then he&...

The 2022 Senate elections exposed the MAGA movement’s weakness

Their performance foreshadows the 2024 elections. Two core beliefs define the MAGA movement. The first and most prominent is loyalty to the founder of the MAGA movement, Former President Donald Trump. They are the bedrock loyalists promoting the big lie that he won the 2020 presidential election ...

M.A.G.A.: |”The Transformation of MAGA: Mean-Angry-Grumpy-Always and the Impact on American Politics”|”The Challenge of Uniting Amidst Negative Campaigning: Exploring the MAGA Paradox”

The political landscape of America has been significantly shaped by Donald J. Trump’s campaign, marked by a strategy that many perceive as rooted in negativity and complaint. The acronym MAGA, which stands for “Make America Great Again,” has become a rallying cry for Trump’s ...

Canada’s Conservatives Have Become the New MAGA Republicans

The genesis of this article was a comment that was left for me on one of my social media posts. It was a throwaway post of mine on the Bluesky app, cross-posted to Instagram: an observational riff at the expense of the then-upcoming Conservative Party of Canada policy convention in Québec Cit...

Thank you, MAGA World!

I am a 67-year-old grandmother. Pop culture and I parted ways when the Beatles broke up. I haven’t worn stylish clothes since I outgrew my bell bottoms. I often feel outdated and awkward in the presence of young people like my children and their children. I miss most hip (cool? groovy?) jok...

Do MAGA Rubes Know They’re Paying for Trump’s Legal Woes?

Several years ago, I had a girlfriend who argued a lot with me. One of the many things we disagreed on was money. She seemed to think because we were dating, I was going to help her out financially and wanted me to help her with her new car payment. I pointed out that I drove a used car. I said, &ld...

Spouting White Nationalism Wasn’t Enough to Make MAGA Like Ramaswamy

Most social scientists agree race is a social construct. There’s only one human race, but we have various ethnicities. Ethnicity is often tied to skin color. All humans share the same biology, but we have different cultural identities and somehow that has been confused as race. Still, &ldqu...

Why Doesn’t MAGA Suspect That the Texas Border Crisis is a Fed and Antifa Entrapment Operation?

There were “ghost buses” that brought these imposters there, which are buses that are actually one kind of bus, but have been dressed up as another kind of bus; basically, a bus disguise situation. No one is sure why they wouldn’t just go on a regular bus in the first place. Perhap...

Let’s Help The MAGA Movement Grow.

Over the last several weeks, I have written columns in which I argue that the MAGA ‘movement is nothing more than a digital invention which will shortly follow its leader into his well-earned obscurity and disappear. But the more I think about how the GOP has cynically embr...

MAGA-inspired Censorship and Threats of Violence Must Be Stopped

On August 29, 2023, a public elementary school in my neighborhood in Oakland, California was closed for the day because of an emailed bomb threat. Incredibly, the threat of violence came about as a reaction to a weekend playdate at the school for children of color and their families, an effort ...

Donald Trump, Sinister Antics, Vile Rhetoric and the Steady March Toward Fascism by the MAGA Wing of the Republican Party!

Most of us were well aware that Donald Trump’s habit of routinely espousing demonic, devious, derogatory rhetoric was par for the course. What we apparently were unaware of was the length he was willing to go to parrot the words of one of the most sadistic and scurrilous human beings to ever w...