Let’s Help The MAGA Movement Grow.
<p>Over the last several weeks, I have written columns in which I argue that the <em>MAGA </em>‘movement is nothing more than a digital invention which will shortly follow its leader into his well-earned obscurity and disappear. But the more I think about how the <em>GOP</em> has cynically embraced ultra-white nationalism and hyper-patriotic venom over the years, the more I am coming to believe that I’d rather see the <em>GOP</em> disappear with the<em> MAGA</em> movement picking up the scraps.</p>
<p>Let’s go back to when the <em>GOP</em> first started promoting itself as the party that would protect America’s most sacred traditions and values, which was the 1964 Goldwater campaign. For the first time since the end of World War II, the <em>GOP</em> decided that Blacks were becoming more of a threat than all those home-grown Communists, a.k.a., a Red under every bed.</p>
<p><a href="https://mikeweisser.medium.com/lets-help-the-maga-movement-grow-94c4e11e84ed"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>