Tag: Losing

Losing My Phone Brought Me Peace

It’s the three essential items I double check I have every time I leave the house. We all do. Adam Sandler even wrote a song about it. It’s all one really needs to survive the day. For me however, there’s also a slew of other random items I pack with my bag befor...

How Losing Everything in Prison Helped Me Create a Better Life

On a scorching hot day in Folsom state prison, a guard passed me a note thru the bars of my cell. It said, “Your mom is in the hospital.” Eight days later, my mom died. Externally, I had to exhibit that “I don’t give a shit” attitude so others didn’t think I...

Why Losing Weight Will Be Harder For Me Than Quitting Drinking

Hello, everyone. Happy Friday. I do love Fridays, for all the obvious reasons. Way back when, I used to love Fridays because it was “party night” — the night to let loose after a long week of work and/or parenting. These Friday nights often began for me around dinnertime, whe...

Losing Everything | #MyFridayStory №304

Being protective of cherished possessions isn’t just for those who are sentimental. Losing something precious is never easy for anyone. The things we hold dear are valuable to us, no matter their price tag. Their worth often can’t be measured; it’s simply priceless. My dad had a...

When Losing Turns Out to Be a Gift

I’m not going to lie. When my son revealed late last summer that he intended to join his middle school’s track team in sixth grade — his foray into extracurricular athletics, the news sparked an intoxicating mixture of glee, anticipation, and nostalgia deep within my gut. Cou...

ti7 Tips for Effective Multitasking Without Losing Quality

In the fast-paced world of entrepreneurship and investment, multitasking is not just a skill — it’s a necessity. But how can one ensure quality while juggling multiple tasks? Dive in to discover seven expert tips that can transform your approach. 1. Prioritize Using the ROI Principle ...

This is How to Confront Discrimination Without Losing Friends

“I heard she got that job because they need to meet diversity targets.” You’re just trying to eat your lunch. You don’t know the woman they’re talking about. You could pretend you didn’t hear. Statistically, that would be the wise choice. People that con...

Yeah, I Think Donald Trump is Officially Losing it.

I suppose we could start with the narratives regarding his future general election opponent Joe Biden. The talk of cognitive decline and dementia has circled Joe Biden since before he was even elected President in the first place. The concern for his age and whether he was mentally capable of holdin...

Losing Arapaho

Wind swept across the mountains and a bitter chill hung in the air. Snow blanketed the landscape, having fallen overnight. Six of us trudged through it single file, heads down, stumbling occasionally in the gales. Above us, clouds sped, blanketing the stone walls and peaks of the Continental Divide....

English Vocabulary: Terms for being Forgetful / Losing Things

Where are my keys? Have you seen my phone? Does this sound familiar to you? Would you describe yourself as a forgetful person? Absent-minded The adjective “absent-minded” can be used to describe a person who is forgetful and often distracted, with their mind on other thin...