English Vocabulary: Terms for being Forgetful / Losing Things

<p>Where are my keys? Have you seen my phone? Does this sound familiar to you? Would you describe yourself as a forgetful person?</p> <h2>Absent-minded</h2> <p>The adjective<strong><em>&nbsp;&ldquo;absent-minded&rdquo;</em></strong>&nbsp;can be used to describe a person who is forgetful and often distracted, with their mind on other things, instead of paying attention to what&rsquo;s happening now.</p> <p><em>You always forget my birthday. You&rsquo;re so absent-minded!</em></p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@marybrillar/english-vocabulary-terms-for-being-forgetful-losing-things-177599210de6"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Losing