Tag: Locomotion

VR Locomotion

The next step in our project will be to add locomotion to the Player. To begin, with the XR Origin Game Object selected, let’s add a new Component in the Inspector and add the Locomotion System. The Locomotion System retrieves requests from our movement providers and facilitates the ...

Unity VR-Locomotion Continued

Reticles are useful in many ways and are used in many video games. In VR, especially when it comes to teleporting, having a reticle in the game can be a clean and efficient way to notify the Player exactly where they will be teleporting to. Adding a reticle is a simple task and we can add a retic...

Unity VR-Locomotion Continued

Previously, we added the Snap Turn Provider to our game so that we could rotate about the environment. Our next move will be to add a Move Provider. We can add the Move provider by adding a new component with the XR Origin Game Object selected. We are looking for the “Continuous Move Provid...

Unity VR-Locomotion Continued

If you’ve played VR games before, usually when there's a teleportation Raycast, it’s typically slightly curved to restrain the Player from being able to teleport too far. In this section, we’ll be adjusting that to fit what we are looking for. With the Ray Interactor Object ...

Unity VR-Locomotion Continued

As of what we’ve done through our Locomotion project so far, the issue we currently have is that the Ray Interactor and the Teleport Interactor are both teleporting us. What we want to accomplish is to have the Teleport Interactor exclusively interact with Teleport-related objects while the...