Unity VR-Locomotion Continued

<p>Previously, we added the Snap Turn Provider to our game so that we could rotate about the environment. Our next move will be to add a Move Provider.</p> <p>We can add the Move provider by adding a new component with the XR Origin Game Object selected. We are looking for the &ldquo;Continuous Move Provider (Action-Based)&rdquo; Component.</p> <p><img alt="" src="https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:230/0*Xq1uN1r1YD4MlJUo.png" style="height:315px; width:230px" /></p> <p>Apply the preset Action Inputs and the Locomotion System as well.</p> <p>With this component, we want to add the Locomotion System to the System section like we did with the Turn Provider.</p> <p>What&rsquo;s new with this component, is that there is a section labeled &ldquo;Forward Source&rdquo;. This is referencing to what you want to use to move the Player forward. I want to use the left controller to move so I&rsquo;ll place the LeftHandController Game Object in the Forward Source section.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@kennethmclachlan11/unity-vr-locomotion-continued-4cf95c7574f4"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: VR Locomotion