Unity VR-Locomotion Continued
<p>Reticles are useful in many ways and are used in many video games. In VR, especially when it comes to teleporting, having a reticle in the game can be a clean and efficient way to notify the Player exactly where they will be teleporting to.</p>
<p>Adding a reticle is a simple task and we can add a reticle through the XR Interactor Line Visual Component.</p>
<p><img alt="" src="https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:397/1*yv_vkzQbycD1M39SHZlyHw.png" style="height:371px; width:397px" /></p>
<p>Like most Game Objects that are accessible in the Inspector, we can simply drag and drop a Game Object into the Reticle slot. Note that you can place any kind of Game Object as the reticle, but luckily, the XR Interaction Toolkit has provided us with a default reticle for our use.</p>
<p>To locate the Reticle Game Object that comes with the XR Interaction Toolkit, simply search Reticle, and the Game Object should appear.</p>
<p><a href="https://medium.com/@kennethmclachlan11/unity-vr-locomotion-continued-1f9d7894a370"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>