Tag: Liberal

The New York Times Trashes Its Liberal Credentials

The New York Times needs to course-correct — now — before it further damages the liberal cause. The Times bears the mantle of America’s “newspaper of record,” of recorded event. It also sets the standards for the politics, culture, and criticism pursue...

Liberal Arts Blog — Edinburgh: Raphael, “The Holy Family,” Velazquez “Old Lady Frying Eggs,” and Church “Niagara”

Liberal Arts Blog — Friday is the Joy of Art, Architecture, Design, Film, and All Things Visual Day Today’s Topic: Edinburgh: Raphael, “The Holy Family,” Velazquez “Old Lady Frying Eggs,” and Church “Niagara” Last week, Vienna. Two weeks ago, Sto...

Liberal Arts Blog — Edinburgh: Raphael, “The Holy Family,” Velazquez “Old Lady Frying Eggs,” and Church “Niagara”

Liberal Arts Blog — Friday is the Joy of Art, Architecture, Design, Film, and All Things Visual Day Today’s Topic: Edinburgh: Raphael, “The Holy Family,” Velazquez “Old Lady Frying Eggs,” and Church “Niagara” Last week, Vienna. Two weeks ago, Sto...

Who’s More Obnoxious, Conservative or Liberal Christians?

There’s a competition in Christianity, and if you asked Christians themselves what they’re striving to achieve, they’d say they’re trying to be Christ-like. For instance, the young liberal fad of “deconstructing” Christianity is supposed to be a matter of pruni...

I’m a “Hippie Liberal” Mom and No One Knows I Own Guns…Until Now

I grew up in the suburbs of California, surrounded by fellow progressives and liberals who also champion civil rights, access to justice, and the role of the government in providing a social safety net. I’m the mom who hosted a lot of playdates at my house because I was worried other parent...


So, here we go again, or I guess so it’s always been. I just got done reading “Love It or Leave It” Has a Racist History. A Lot of America’s Language Does, written by Jacob Rosenberg, of Mother Jones, which is yet another syndicated article, by one of these bigshot autho...

Why Liberals Are Part of the Problem

I live in the Happy Valley. This New England region, also known as the Pioneer Valley, is a liberal bastion pocketed with some of the best universities in the nation. Here, Black Lives Matter signs blossom on front lawns, and Gay Pride Flags swing from front porches. I also live in Holyoke, Massa...

My Cynicism of White Liberals

Mytime in this world, given I’m only 20, has been fairly short lived. My time with awareness of the predicaments brought about through my own race, being the black man that I am, has been even shorter. Even so, with my explicit racial journey beginning in 2014 during the mass televisation of t...