Liberal Arts Blog — Edinburgh: Raphael, “The Holy Family,” Velazquez “Old Lady Frying Eggs,” and Church “Niagara”

<p>Liberal Arts Blog &mdash; Friday is the Joy of Art, Architecture, Design, Film, and All Things Visual Day</p> <p>Today&rsquo;s Topic: Edinburgh: Raphael, &ldquo;The Holy Family,&rdquo; Velazquez &ldquo;Old Lady Frying Eggs,&rdquo; and Church &ldquo;Niagara&rdquo;</p> <p>Last week, Vienna. Two weeks ago, Stockholm. Three weeks ago, Moscow. This week, Edinburgh &mdash; as we continue the tour of European art galleries to which I have never been. The first of today&rsquo;s picks is from the Italian Renaissance, the second from the Spanish Golden Age, and the third from the Hudson River School of mid-19th century America. Experts &mdash; please chime in. Correct, elaborate, elucidate.</p> <p>RAPHAEL (1483&ndash;1520) &ldquo;The Holy Family with the Palm Tree&rdquo; (1506)</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Liberal Arts