The New York Times Trashes Its Liberal Credentials

<p><em>The New York Times</em>&nbsp;needs to course-correct &mdash; now &mdash; before it further damages the liberal cause.</p> <p>The&nbsp;<em>Times</em>&nbsp;bears the mantle of America&rsquo;s &ldquo;newspaper of record,&rdquo; of recorded event. It also sets the standards for the politics, culture, and criticism pursued by the Left, its constituent audience.</p> <p>So: What are we to make when the&nbsp;<em>Times</em>&nbsp;in its influential Sunday &ldquo;Opinion&rdquo; section, on August 27, devotes not one, not two, but three slots (as reinforcement?) to content truly meretricious.</p> <p>Leading off,&nbsp;<a href=";emc=edit_th_20230825&amp;instance_id=101220&amp;nl=todaysheadlines&amp;regi_id=62455693&amp;segment_id=142942&amp;user_id=a1d4d70d0324e5e6fc334e5d5c78f71f" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">&ldquo;The Virtues of Being Bad,&rdquo;</a>&nbsp;a multi-author section expounding on the joys of &mdash; wait for it &mdash; shoplifting(!), sleeping with friends(!), drugs(!), and other such ilk, all urging we get to that point where we &ldquo;break the rules and don&rsquo;t regret it.&rdquo; Next,&nbsp;<a href=";emc=edit_th_20230825&amp;instance_id=101220&amp;nl=todaysheadlines&amp;regi_id=62455693&amp;segment_id=142942&amp;user_id=a1d4d70d0324e5e6fc334e5d5c78f71f" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">&ldquo;I Don&rsquo;t Need You to Be a &lsquo;Good Person.&rsquo; Neither Do You&rdquo;</a>&nbsp;(note the cynical scare-quotes around good person), an astonishingly irresponsible appeal by a clinician(!) touting the joys of &ldquo;transgression,&rdquo; teed up by the subhead: &ldquo;Your secret desires can be a compass, leading you to freedom.&rdquo; Finally,&nbsp;<a href=",recommitting%20to%20its%20earlier%20impulses." rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">&ldquo;Can Liberalism Save Itself?,&rdquo;</a>&nbsp;an analysis that endeavors to portray liberalism&rsquo;s historic promise &mdash; freeing the individual from all oppression; that examines its present &ldquo;error&rdquo; (it&rsquo;s now more fearful than hopeful); yet falls short by recommending only more emancipation, without calling for the&nbsp;<em>responsible</em>&nbsp;exercise of that emancipation. So much freedom, so little responsibility!</p> <p>How can the&nbsp;<em>Times</em>&nbsp;not understand the incalculable damage it inflicts on liberalism&rsquo;s historic cause &mdash; by continuing to push, so assiduously and&nbsp;<em>faux-</em>daringly, at gates once marked forbidden but now long since wide open: i.e., the irresponsible rule-breaking, the transgression, the hurtful impact of one&rsquo;s secret desires on the commonweal, the empty freedom of emancipation without the responsible exercise of that freedom? In its cultural coverage and criticism, the&nbsp;<em>Times</em>&nbsp;as our preeminent gatekeeper has been key to unlocking those gates &mdash; and unleashing so much damage.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>