Tag: Lead

The Consequences of Saying No: Why Women Need to “Lead Men On”

I recently watched a video in which a woman described a horrific encounter with a man. She explained the man wanted her number and she said no. The man then picked up a brick and hit her before escaping into a car. She was in a crowd of people and no one made a move to assist her. The m...

Questions that Lead to Growth: How to Face Your True Self

Deep inquiries that cut to the core of who we are are frequently brought on by life. What does it mean to fully face oneself? This quest, which many people have taken on, including you, is a common thread in the tapestry of human existence. This path is about cultivating growth, self-compassion, ...

Hooked: How Common Obsessions Can Lead to Depression

Gregory is an intelligent and kind young man in his mid-20s. At age 16, he dropped out of school. He still lives with his mother. Suffering from anxiety and depression, he has worked a smattering of entry-level, part-time jobs…none lasting more than a few months. Gregory’s main preoc...

How to delegate tasks as a senior/lead engineer?

After staying in the same company for years as senior or lead, we always find ourselves overwhelmed by the increasing requests. — From everyone. Because: you are the one, who is familiar with everything, does things fast, and knows everything. So, you must have been here Look at t...

Lead With Passion & Foster Ownership in Your Team

The most dangerous leadership myth is that leaders are born-that there is a genetic factor to leadership. That’s nonsense; in fact, the opposite is true. Leaders are made rather than born. — Warren Bennis  #LeadershipCourage #InnovationMatters Embrace Risk and Inspire Inno...

The Importance of Political Savvy for Senior and Lead Engineers

Beyond the ability to identify problems and imagine solutions, the real challenge for organizations is the implementation of these solutions. Technology has long ceased to be an obstacle to helping organizations in their digital transformation and allowing them to increase their productivity. The...

With These 6 Ways You Will Lead A Meeting More Effectively

) Plan your agenda carefully, covering all the issues that need to be discussed by deciding in advance not only what topics will be covered, but also the order in which they will be discussed, the meeting will go much more smoothly. b) When ordering topics, put the most complex points at the begi...

Story of a Community Lead Business That Started With A Potluck.

YES, This is the story of a little weekend market that began with a potluck, and it has since become one of the best places to enjoy Asian street food in Berlin. In the 1960s and 1970s, many Vietnamese people migrated to Germany after the war. In the 1990s, there was another significant wave of m...

All Roads Lead to Cat

I walked the Appian Way today. Not all of it, of course — just a stretch. I felt like merchant from a distant and exotic land coming to sell my wares. Or long-distance runner bearing an important message for the Emperor. I walked over the same ancient, uneven stones that travelers have been tr...

All Roads Lead to Rome

The Appian Way, or Via Appia, was one of the first highways in the world. Built at the height of the Roman Republic, it connected Rome to the less integrated south of the peninsula. Central to the functioning of the Republic, the road was given the moniker Regina Viarum, or Queen of Roads. ...

Former john st. CEO Stephanie Hurst tapped to lead theturnlab

Toronto, ON, April 10, 2023 — Stephanie Hurst joins marketing technology startup theturnlab as their new CEO. Stephanie brings over 25 years of marketing experience on both the client and agency side to lead an ambitious growth plan. Howard Chang, the founder and former CEO...

Custom Market Reports for Each Visitor to Your Real Estate Website Brings Enhanced Lead Conversion

In the current dynamic real estate landscape, staying ahead requires a commitment to delivering unparalleled value to potential buyers and sellers. One of the strongest value propositions is furnishing personalized, real-time market reports to each visitor exploring your real estate website. Si...

Queering the Lead: Embracing the Power of Unique Stories and Authenticity in Leadership

Leadership is not just about directing or dictating; it’s about embracing the unique strengths and struggles that shape who we are, and using that as a foundation to inspire and elevate those around us. In this continuing series of contemplative reflections, I delve into the transformative ...

All Roads Lead to Rome

The Appian Way, or Via Appia, was one of the first highways in the world. Built at the height of the Roman Republic, it connected Rome to the less integrated south of the peninsula. Central to the functioning of the Republic, the road was given the moniker Regina Viarum, or Queen of Roads. ...

I Failed as a Lead Developer. What I’ve Learned?

Transitioning from a senior to a lead developer can be challenging, especially without prior experience. In this reflection, I aim to share insights into what this shift entails and highlight common mistakes to avoid. Being a senior dev doesn’t mean we are automatically ready to be a...

Our Adventures Lead us into Joyous Moments of Happiness.

Over the years, I’ve collected many a bushwalking adventure book and some of those old-fashioned topography maps for our weekend adventures. The one I turn to first is my favorite of them all: The Best 50 BUSHWALKS AROUND SYDNEY: (420 KMS OF BUSH TRACKS, HOW TO GET THERE, INFORMATIO...