How to delegate tasks as a senior/lead engineer?

<p>After staying in the same company for years as senior or lead, we always find ourselves overwhelmed by the increasing requests. &mdash; From everyone.</p> <p>Because: you are the one, who is familiar with everything, does things fast, and knows everything.</p> <h1>So, you must have been here</h1> <p><img alt="" src="*kBTeCSflZip6bH1EDGkpgg.png" style="height:645px; width:700px" /></p> <p>Look at this. Is it you? Can you spot the problem? Yes, you should at least see:</p> <ul> <li>&ldquo;You&rdquo; always take things on yourself the first time (eager loading, wrong! You should be lazy loading)</li> <li>&ldquo;You&rdquo; are doing everything, almost! (superclass)</li> <li>Everyone is looking for &ldquo;you&rdquo;! (minimal knowledge is principle is broken!)</li> <li>There is &ldquo;dev1&rdquo; under you, waiting to be mentored and help you. however, he is idle (multi-threaded model is never used!)</li> <li>You are flooded with new stories and more and more bugs (crash!)</li> <li>Bottleneck started (blocking I/O)</li> <li>&ldquo;You&rdquo; may not even have time to onboard anyone in the end</li> <li>&ldquo;You&rdquo; will burn out.</li> </ul> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Lead Engineer