Tag: Largest

A Day In the World’s Largest Castle Complex

During my first couple of days in Prague, I’d seen Prague Castle from afar. But I knew that I needed to see it up close as well — after all, it’s a UNESCO World Heritage Site and the world’s largest castle complex (a local even told me that it holds the Guinness World Record)...

World’s 2nd Largest Hindu Temple Opens in New Jersey.

Spanning 183 acres, standing 191 feet high and costing over $100 million, the largest modern Hindu temple outside of India has opened in Robbinsville, New Jersey -but not without controversy. The breathtaking temple consists of a mandir made of intricately carved Italian marble, 10,000 ...

Why Africa’s Largest Slum is the Best Place in Nairobi

Nairobi in general is an up-and-coming city with a lot to offer. Great restaurants, lush greenery (at least in wealthy areas, like most cities), modern shopping malls, a vibrant arts scene, decent health care, access to wildlife. The weather is about as good as you can get, with warm but not hot day...

The largest map of dark matter

In 1937, astrophysicist Fritz Zwicky noticed that the movement of galaxies in the “Coma Cluster” was somewhat strange. The average speed of the galaxies was too high. It was so high that these galaxies should have dispersed in different directions long ago. Zwicky calculated the mass of ...

Largest Supernova Ever Seen Could Rewrite Physics of Stars

An enormous supernova spotted by the Gaia satellite may be the most massive ever seen by astronomers. This tremendous eruption, a billion light years from Earth, could rewrite what we know about the deaths of the largest stars in the Universe. The star, called SN2016iet, erupted before plant or a...

Why the World’s Largest Food Company Saw Promise in a Peanut Allergy Drug

In January of 2020, the first drug for peanut allergies, Palforzia, was approved by the FDA. It was the first and only FDA-approved treatment to help reduce the severity and frequency of peanut allergies, which increased 3.5-fold over the past two decades reaching 1.4–2% of the ...

Find Polygon With the Largest Perimeter

You are given an array of positive integers nums of length n. A polygon is a closed plane figure that has at least 3 sides. The longest side of a polygon is smaller than the sum of its other sides. Conversely, if you have k (k >= 3) positive real numbers a1, a2, a3, …, ak where a1 &l...