A Day In the World’s Largest Castle Complex

<p>During my first couple of days in Prague, I&rsquo;d seen Prague Castle from afar. But I knew that I needed to see it up close as well &mdash; after all, it&rsquo;s a UNESCO World Heritage Site and the world&rsquo;s largest castle complex (a local even told me that it holds the Guinness World Record). So on my third day in the city, I walked from my accommodation in Old Town (crossing the river via Manes Bridge rather than Charles Bridge to avoid the crowds).</p> <p>Once you&rsquo;re across the river, you can either walk up the hill to the castle or take tram 22 from the Malostranska stop to Prazsky Hrad (hrad is Czech for castle). I opted for the tram since I&rsquo;d been doing a lot of walking and I knew I&rsquo;d be doing a lot more.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/globetrotters/a-day-in-the-worlds-largest-castle-complex-9c08c9de6bc6"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Largest Castle