Why Africa’s Largest Slum is the Best Place in Nairobi

<p>Nairobi in general is an up-and-coming city with a lot to offer. Great restaurants, lush greenery (at least in wealthy areas, like most cities), modern shopping malls, a vibrant arts scene, decent health care, access to wildlife. The weather is about as good as you can get, with warm but not hot days, cool but not cold nights, and it rains. You can buy pretty much anything you need.</p> <p>It also has all kinds of problems: lack of urban walkability; corruption at many levels of society, including police who use intimidation to extract bribes from motorists for the slightest infraction (I&rsquo;ve been stopped three times); high levels of poverty and increasing wealth inequality; and white-knuckle traffic that is not for the queasy. Anyone with money lives in a gated compound with security guards. The guards themselves, those who work for the most professional companies, make about 100 dollars a month.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/counterarts/why-africas-largest-slum-is-the-best-place-in-nairobi-457337faef91"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>