Tag: Injection

Enhancing Modularity of Your Vue.js 3 Apps With Dependency Injection

VueJS empowers us o efficiently reuse reactive components, functions, libraries, and plugins. Behind the scenes, these functionalities leverage one of VueJS’s elegant and powerful APIs: Dependency Injection. Dependency Injection enables efficient logic reuse to descendant components, elimin...

Enhancing Modularity of Your Vue.js 3 Apps With Dependency Injection

VueJS empowers us o efficiently reuse reactive components, functions, libraries, and plugins. Behind the scenes, these functionalities leverage one of VueJS’s elegant and powerful APIs: Dependency Injection. Dependency Injection enables efficient logic reuse to descendant components, elimin...

Dependency Injection (DI) in Android: Providing Interfaces

Dependency injection is a powerful concept in Java, and Dagger2 has become one of the most popular frameworks for implementing it. One of the challenges developers often face is managing multiple implementations of a particular dependency. This article delves into how to provide interfaces in Java u...

Unraveling the Mysteries of Method Injection in Dagger

Hello there, fellow coder! If you've been following our series on dependency injection, you're already familiar with the basics and the workings of constructor and field injection. Today, we're going to dive deeper and explore another fascinating form of dependency injection: method inje...

Field Injection in Dagger2: DI (Day 2)

In our previous blog post, we discussed the basics of dependency injection and more specifically, constructor injection using Dagger. Today, we’ll explore Field Injection, also known as Members Injection, and discuss when it should be used. Introduction Field Injection, a form of DI, com...

Dependency injection in React

React Components should not contain business logic, do you agree? If yes, keep reading. If not, stop now. This article is for someone else. TL; DR; Add the dependency injection to your React project in 3 steps: create a “container” to put your dependency in create a hook&nb...

Managing Navigation Between Multiple Modules in an iOS App Using Dependency Injection Containers

In modern iOS app development, breaking up an application’s functionality into different modules or screens is common. This modular approach allows for better separation of concerns and makes it easier to manage the complexity of large codebases. However, navigating between modules in a way...

CVE-2023–26818 (Sandbox): MacOS TCC Bypass W/ telegram using DyLib Injection (Part 2)

The app sandboxing feature in MacOS is a technology that the system enforce at the kernel's level which limit privileges and restrict the app access to resources/permissions. As a results, It helps in reducing the attacks and the infection of compromised apps to the system. The f...

The hitchhiker’s guide to Windows APIs for Process Injection. — Part 3

The case for NT functions. Why bother using function directly from ntdll.dll when lots of them are undocumented and they require extensive preparation and are plainly harder to use? It is easy. They are less detected by EDRs. Since they are not totally documented and might change without a not...