Unraveling the Mysteries of Method Injection in Dagger

<p>Hello there, fellow coder! If you&#39;ve been following our series on dependency injection, you&#39;re already familiar with the basics and the workings of constructor and field injection. Today, we&#39;re going to dive deeper and explore another fascinating form of dependency injection: method injection.</p> <h1>Method Injection: A Closer Look</h1> <p>Let&#39;s start by demystifying what method injection is. In the realm of programming, method injection is a technique where dependencies are provided through methods. It&#39;s a form of inversion of control, where the responsibility of creating and managing dependencies is handed over to a library or container. This strategy enhances modularity, promotes testability, and increases flexibility in code. In the context of Dagger, a popular dependency injection framework, method injection comes into play when a class needs to pass a reference of itself to one of its dependencies. Intriguing, isn&#39;t it?</p> <h1>A Practical Guide to Implementing Method Injection</h1> <p>Now that we&#39;ve got the theory down, let&#39;s roll up our sleeves and dive into some code. Imagine a class named&nbsp;<code>MethodDependency</code>. This class has a single method, which requires the activity instance to display a toast message on the UI. Here&#39;s how it looks:</p> <pre> public class MethodDependency { String TAG = this.getClass().getCanonicalName(); @Inject MethodDependency(){ Log.e(TAG, &quot;Method dependency was created&quot;); } public void setActivity(MainActivity mainActivity){ mainActivity.getCheckbox(); Log.e(TAG, &quot;Toast Message was created&quot;); Toast.makeText(mainActivity, &quot;Toast from Method Dependency&quot;, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } }</pre> <p>This class,&nbsp;<code>MethodDependency</code>, is a simple Java class that has a method&nbsp;<code>setActivity(MainActivity mainActivity)</code>. This method requires an instance of&nbsp;<code>MainActivity</code>&nbsp;to show a toast message on the UI. The&nbsp;<code>@Inject</code>&nbsp;annotation on the constructor indicates that Dagger should use this constructor to create instances of&nbsp;<code>MethodDependency</code>.</p> <p>Now, let&#39;s see how we can perform method injection in the&nbsp;<code>MainActivity</code>.</p> <pre> lateinit var methodDependency: MethodDependency @Inject fun setMyDependency(methodDependency: MethodDependency ) { this.methodDependency = methodDependency this.methodDependency.setActivity(this) }</pre> <p>This code snippet is part of the&nbsp;<code>MainActivity</code>&nbsp;class. The&nbsp;<code>setMyDependency</code>&nbsp;method is annotated with&nbsp;<code>@Inject</code>, which tells Dagger to call this method and pass in the required dependencies, in this case,&nbsp;<code>MethodDependency</code>. This method then calls the&nbsp;<code>setActivity</code>&nbsp;method on&nbsp;<code>MethodDependency</code>, passing in the&nbsp;<code>MainActivity</code>&nbsp;instance</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@zuhayr.codes/unraveling-the-mysteries-of-method-injection-in-dagger-di-day4-5763ec64210a">Visit Now</a></p>