Field Injection in Dagger2: DI (Day 2)

<p>In our previous blog post, we discussed the basics of dependency injection and more specifically, constructor injection using Dagger. Today, we&rsquo;ll explore Field Injection, also known as Members Injection, and discuss when it should be used.</p> <h1>Introduction</h1> <p>Field Injection, a form of DI, comes into play when dependencies are directly injected into the fields of a class. This is particularly useful when working with Android&rsquo;s Activities and Fragments, where the instantiation of a class is out of the developer&rsquo;s control. In this blog post, we&rsquo;ll explore Field Injection in detail and learn how to implement it using Dagger2.</p> <h1>Field Injection in Action</h1> <p>Let&rsquo;s apply field injection in our project which we created in the previous post. The first change that we need to make is to annotate our&nbsp;<code>ComputeLayer</code>&nbsp;variable with&nbsp;<code>@Inject</code>. This annotation tells Dagger that we need to field inject it.</p> <p><a href="">Read More</a></p>