Enhancing Modularity of Your Vue.js 3 Apps With Dependency Injection

<p>VueJS empowers us o efficiently reuse reactive components, functions, libraries, and plugins. Behind the scenes, these functionalities leverage one of VueJS&rsquo;s elegant and powerful APIs: Dependency Injection.</p> <p>Dependency Injection enables efficient logic reuse to descendant components, eliminating concerns about prop drilling. Consider a scenario where a parent component is fetching some data from an API and needs to transmit this data through multiple child components down the hierarchy. These child components render information that relies on data from the parent. Traditionally, we would pass the data down to each child, even those that don&rsquo;t require the data.</p> <p>This could result in prop drilling, involving the passing down of unrelated data to certain components.</p> <p>This approach impacts unnecessary components, potentially complicating maintenance as we delve deeper. Dealing with this kind of logic could be burdensome and counterproductive. However, by leveraging Dependency Injection, we sidestep these challenges altogether.</p> <p>We&rsquo;ll explore how to implement dependency injection in VueJS 3 Composition API. We&rsquo;ll look into the various methods through which we can take advantage of it to ensure modularity within our VueJS applications. To illustrate, we&rsquo;ll look into a sample use case.</p> <p><a href="https://javascript.plainenglish.io/enhancing-modularity-of-your-vuejs-3-apps-with-dependency-injection-761d287d5da1">Learn More:-</a></p>