Tag: Improvement

Why I Needed To Stop Just Taking Action

I used to be shy. Incredibly shy! So shy that (until the age of 12) I couldn’t bring myself to ask for water at a family friend’s house. I rarely spoke up at school — absolutely dreaded being called upon. There was even a time (at age 7) when I couldn’t bring myself to int...

I Can’t Believe I’m Just Finding Out That I Was Half-Married for Years

“You’re going to keep going to marriage counseling by yourself?” asks my friend. “Yes,” I say. “I don’t know what else to do. He says he won’t continue going and things aren’t getting any better in our marriage. If anything, it feels like it...

Can We Change as We Get Older?

Doyou ever wonder if people can change? If we can heal? Become better people? Overcome our weaknesses and worst flaws? Be the kind of people we really want to be? Or are we all just a mess? Is it inevitable that we fall into patterns of chaos and mediocrity? We are human, after all. I find ...

7 Foreign Words That Describe My 12 Years On the Road

When I first started travelling the world at 20 years old, I found comfort in meeting people that spoke English. Although everything else was foreign, there was a familiarity in being able to connect in a common language. However, the more I travelled the more I longed for the unknown. So, I&r...

The Boy in the Woods

I’m ten years old, playing down in the creek at the base of our driveway. It’s winter 1974, and the woods surrounding the creek are wet from fresh rain. The acidic flux of old oak trees fills the air with a soft vinegar aroma, and the lichens smell earthy and woodsy, like a damp Harri...

Why I let people believe I want a baby daddy

In a world where traditional family ideals often cast a long shadow, I’ve chosen to walk a path less traveled. I’ve allowed people to believe I have “baby daddy issues,” not because it’s the Truth, but because it’s easier, people enjoy and believe predictable ster...

Little Things That Aren’t Little

Asking how someone’s day was when they know the sidewalk rule specific compliments, a smile from a stranger, asking you questions when you’re talking, nicknames, being in the sun, walking in a group and someone waiting for you to catch up, facetiming till 1am, ”checking in on you&r...

What We Carry

A fellow medium writer and dear friend once asked me about my seeming surveillance of the state of others’ eyes. She posited reasonably, that it was somehow connected to my analytical nature and my having a brief military background; a hypothesis that was supported by her observance of my some...

Those Words that Saved Me

Looking back at this year, there have been moments of peace and steadfastness, but also moments of restlessness and confusion. Fortunately, for me, writing has been a soothing companion throughout the year, providing infinite courage and strength. 1. Work is truly important No matter ho...

We Should Help Those That Want to Help Themselves.

The title of this article may have you thinking,” Hey, she just misquoted a bible verse.” It may surprise some and delight others to know that this popular quote did not originate in the bible. I guess that goes to show that we can learn something new every day, but more to the poi...

Let me celebrate you

I appreciate how kindhearted and robust you are lately — even when you’re at your lowest. You can celebrate it today — celebrating your existence, celebrating your small wins, celebrating your spark’s feelings, celebrating whatever it is. Although it was just a little win for...

How to Keep Setbacks from Setting You Back

Gymnastics has always been one of the things that makes me most happy in life, and when I became a mother of two, I didn’t want that to change. So I decided I would return to an adult gymnastics class as a place to reach my fitness goals. I have, but not without my fair share of obstacles. ...

How I Find Meaning and Purpose of Life as an Atheist

Can atheists find fulfillment and meaning in life? For committed religious people, especially those raised in religious families, comprehending how life can hold value without a belief in God may be challenging. They might genuinely struggle to understand how atheists derive meaning from their exist...

Do Hard Things if You Want an Easy Life

The other day my mom told me about a family member who had a flat tire on her bike. This relative doesn’t live an easy life. She had a doctor’s appointment and when she pulled out her bike to go there, she discovered the flat. She doesn’t have a car. So she ended up walking to t...

When Self-Improvement Collides With Living

I was on my way to the frozen yogurt shop recently when I spotted a ripped, shirtless dude jogging effortlessly down the street in 105-degree heat. Here in southern Nevada, our summers get hot. We have little humidity, but even dry heat can lead to dehydration, severe sunburn, heat exhaustion, an...

When Self-Improvement Collides With Living

I was on my way to the frozen yogurt shop recently when I spotted a ripped, shirtless dude jogging effortlessly down the street in 105-degree heat. Here in southern Nevada, our summers get hot. We have little humidity, but even dry heat can lead to dehydration, severe sunburn, heat exhaustion, an...

When Self-Improvement Collides With Living

I was on my way to the frozen yogurt shop recently when I spotted a ripped, shirtless dude jogging effortlessly down the street in 105-degree heat. Here in southern Nevada, our summers get hot. We have little humidity, but even dry heat can lead to dehydration, severe sunburn, heat exhaustion, an...

Home Improvement Consideration

Have you ever thought about making any type of home improvement to your home? Well, there are several things that you must consider first when your house is built. If a home was built before 1978, you have lead paint in the home. You also must consider plumbing, what type of pipes are there. You ...

Harvest Fall Farming Game | Devlog #6 — The Home Improvement System

Hey guys, welcome to another devlog. Let me summarize my game dev setup for you just for fun- On the last floor of my house, I have a laptop, ordinary headphones and a gaming mouse. Now I know this isn’t probably the setup you imagine the typical game dev has but I’m trying to be &...