Tag: Hand

My ‘Vegetable’ Dad Squeezed My Hand and Looked Me in the Eye

Last week, I read Widowish by Melissa Gould who is also a writer here on Medium. I highly recommend her touching, shocking and full-of-love memoir. Through circumstances you’ll have to read for yourself, Melissa recounts visiting her young husband in the hospital while h...

Is there an invisible hand that controls us?

The Invisible Hand (Intervention of God) first appeared in Adam Smith a famous Scottish economist works “The Wealth of Nations” and “The Theory of Moral Sentiments” which is a concept that focuses on how simply a market can operate without any jurisdiction or government and t...

Adam Smith’s Invisible Hand vs. Stalin’s Heavy Foot

Ever wonder why I trust the market? It’s a simple question, but it’s one that has been debated by economists and philosophers for centuries. The market is a complex system, and it’s not perfect. But at its core, it’s based on a simple principle: voluntary exchange. People ...

The Hand Of The Artist

Yesterday, I went to see an exhibition of the work of Jean-Jacques Sempe at the French Institute in New York City. Many remember him as the illustrator of Le Petit Nicolas children’s books, but I know him for his work for The New Yorker. He died last August a...

3D Hand Illustrations Pack Project

It was a personal project, the purpose of this project was to create a set of hand designs (3D illustrations) Has 150+ Hands Signs and Different Gestures. Link to Download Pack — https://reecry.gumroad.com/l/3dhandpacks The story behind the project I was learning the blender tool...

Unity VR-Hand Configurations Continued

We’ve successfully added a pair of hands to the scene but things are looking a bit stiff. Our hands aren’t grabbing anything or moving at all when we press the grip button or anything of the sort. I’ve downloaded a Hands Animation kit from GameDevHq’s file base and importe...

Primary Motivations for Second-Hand Shopping

While second-hand goods shopping may date back to probably very old times, the known history of second-hand clothes shopping goes back to 1300s: It emerged as a means used by those who couldn’t afford expensive clothing but nevertheless wanted to dress elegantly. Today, we see that second-hand...

Finding Foot and Hand Holds on a Hike Through Pristine Wilderness

When we stopped in the forest and the sound of our steps disappeared one felt overwhelmed by the deep sounds of the forest. The light chirping of the birds mixed with the constant buzzing of insects while the background sound of the roaring river never changed. What a day it had been. We woke up ...

Yet Again, The White Hand of Dismissal Affects My Black Life

While my wife went off to do a little corn hunting, I made the rounds, purposely avoiding the kale and displays of unidentified orange whatevers. Eventually, I found myself in front of the white peaches. As luck would have it, I was the only one holding court at this abundance of circular Prunu...

EEG Hand Movement Predictor

Today, around 5,400,000 people live with paralysis. 90%, or 4,860,000 of which have arm monoplegia, or paralysis in one’s arm. What may seem like second nature to us; scratching our nose, putting on our socks, or grabbing a glass of water, is unbearably impossible for others. In the status ...

Why Do Women Have the Upper Hand on Tinder?

Over the last decade, Tinder has redefined the online dating industry. The app has proven especially popular among young people, with three-quarters of those ages 18 to 24 reporting using the app at one point. Bumble is a distant second, with 31% of people using it. Tinder differentiate...

Decoding Hand Cream Ingredients: What Works and What’s Just Marketing Hype

Hand creams are a staple in many skincare routines, especially during colder months when dry, cracked hands are a common concern. However, not all hand creams are created equal, and navigating the myriad of ingredients can be overwhelming. In this article, we’ll delve into the key ingredients ...