Finding Foot and Hand Holds on a Hike Through Pristine Wilderness

<p><em>When we stopped in the forest and the sound of our steps disappeared one felt overwhelmed by the deep sounds of the forest. The light chirping of the birds mixed with the constant buzzing of insects while the background sound of the roaring river never changed.</em></p> <p>What a day it had been. We woke up freezing, noticing the sleeping bags we had bought were certainly too thin for this climate even though we chose them for lower temperatures over the ones the lady in the store had recommended. She certainly has never been camping in the country.</p> <p>After enjoying our porridge for breakfast, we packed our backpacks with the bare minimum needed for a day hike and locked the tent. Not sure why the lock on the tent but hey, we have it so why not use it?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Foot Hand