EEG Hand Movement Predictor

<p>Today, around 5,400,000 people live with paralysis. 90%, or 4,860,000 of which have arm monoplegia, or paralysis in one&rsquo;s arm. What may seem like second nature to us; scratching our nose, putting on our socks, or grabbing a glass of water, is unbearably impossible for others.</p> <p>In the status quo, many prosthetics use EMG signals from nerve endings on the arm to control muscle movement. But what if we could control the prosthetic with our brains? In other words, simply thinking about waving our hand, and having it reflect in the prosthetic!</p> <p>Join me to explore how I created a model that uses EEG brainwave data to predict hand movements! Hope you enjoy!</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: EEG Hand