Tag: Guns

You haven’t heard of The Sistine Guns?

Their first single ‘Wendy The Goddess’ is an absolute banger that served as the soundtrack for one of my recent road trips. Every time I play that song, one of my friends will look up like a curious cat and ask — ‘who’s this?’ And when they find out it’s onl...

Halloween and Guns

Halloween in Shibuya, a bustling district in Tokyo, is not only famous in Japan but also known around the world, attracting many foreigners. I’ve never attended, nor have I ever desired to be there on that particular day. However, through annual news coverage, I’ve come to understand ...

Guns Have More Rights Than Women in the United States

Despite a cautiously protective upbringing, your twelve-year-old daughter develops a confluence of problems, and you don’t know why. Defiant, distant, and melancholy, she has morphed from the beautiful, joyful, obedient good girl you thought you had into this: a stranger. Instead of tryi...

It Was Never About Protecting Your Family, You Just Like Guns

When I hear men talking about guns and how there’s nothing that will stop them from defending their family, my mind goes to the story of Naaman in the Bible. Do you remember Naaman? He was a great military leader and he also had leprosy. The prophet Elisha told him to bathe in the Jord...

Voting Rights and the All-Too Easy Availability of Guns

I’m publishing this series of articles to share and discuss my ruminations on coping with a troubled and messy world. You can “follow” me to never miss an article. Two Op-Eds in The New York Times underscore two National Pathologies that are the curse of American society[i]. ...

What Joe Biden’s guns tell us about his beliefs

It’s hard to know whether Biden meant that he owns two shotguns or just one. In either case, based on political science Professor Mark Joslyn’s new book, The Gun Gap, simply owning a gun says something about Biden’s politics. As a gun owner, Biden’s made a choice, a c...

Guns & America In 1791 Were Worlds Away From The Guns & America Of Today

Other than members of law enforcement, today almost no one uses firearms on a daily or weekly basis. Most guns owned by Americans sit in a drawer or a closet and aren’t fired even once a year. Some people hunt for fun, but most of those hunters don’t fire their guns more often than a ten...

MY gun control proposal

Cases of gun violence in America are countless. It’s horrific and sickening to hear about them constantly. America must take action. We cannot allow the blood of precious lives to be shed any longer. I will not stand by and watch my America be consumed by this violence. The world is pointing f...

The State of 3D Printed Guns as of March 2023

The creation of the first 3D printed gun in 2013 by Cody Wilson’s Defense Distributed has led to an explosion of innovative methods of bypassing arms control worldwide for both practical and ideological reasons. 3D printed guns have popped up in Japan, Canada, Australia, Italy, Germany, and ma...

Young Guns Entering The Playoffs: Orlando Magic & Oklahoma City Thunder

Springtime is always the best for basketball fans. The weather warms up so that means hoopers can play out at the park or in their driveway. But also there are high-level hoops from College to the NBA. The NCAA Tournament has wrapped up where we saw UConn and South Carolina cut the nets as National ...