Tag: Group

4 Underrated Ways Top Performers Transform Meeting Discussions by Understanding Group Dynamics

While great performers make smart remarks, top performers tailor their speaking and listening based on group dynamics. Top performers create psychological safety. They bring out the best in others. Change the nature of the conversation. Get a stuck conversation unstuck. I learned how to n...

Visiting a new life drawing group

This week I returned to life drawing once more at the inaugural meeting of a new life drawing group run out of a local artsy venue in an old church. A very lovely place to draw, with the big space and a nice sprinkling of cosy chairs or little tables to perch on. My favourite part of the new grou...

How a Two-person Mastermind Group Is Changing My Life

Afew weeks ago, while binge-reading articles on Medium, I came across this article about “How to start your own mastermind group”. Looking for content to share with a good friend of mine, I chose this one. The next time we talked, he told me that he liked the article but that the...

Philosophy Group Accused of Fascist Influence Hopes to Grow in Canada

From 1957 until today, the esoteric new religious organization New Acropolis has operated on a global scale, at times labelled a “cult” and accused of running using neofascist and paramilitary structures. In September of 2022, I attended one of their workshops in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada....

The TRUTH About Being the Miranda of Your Group of Friends

“You’re suchhhh a Miranda,” says a woman to another woman, hoping to destroy her self confidence. Any fan of Sex and the City knows that being the “Miranda” of your sexually active, slutty gal pal crew is a straight up call for suicide, or at the very least, heavily mel...

Philosophy Group Accused of Fascist Influence Hopes to Grow in Canada

From 1957 until today, the esoteric new religious organization New Acropolis has operated on a global scale, at times labelled a “cult” and accused of running using neofascist and paramilitary structures. In September of 2022, I attended one of their workshops in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada....

The Costs Of Cooperation And Conflict In Group Living

Raising children is a cooperative effort in humans — and in ostrich, Struthio camelus. Ostriches form groups that lay their eggs in a large communal nest and individual members of the group take turns incubating them. It seems very idyllic and cooperative until you realize that, like ever...

How Much Money Can Be Made Starting A Group Home

Let’s get into the high-level details — at a 30,000-foot level — of the financials behind running group homes (or any of the other names they can potentially go by) Businesses come in all shapes and sizes. Whether it is a developer of land who purchases large tracts of land, ent...

Youth Group Gone Wild

Across the globe, holy (and horny) Christian teens congregate weekly at churches to play organized games, flirt, sing worship songs, flirt some more, and listen to an inspiring message from the pastor. This phenomenon is known as “youth group.” In the 1990s, First Baptist Church (m...

CIA Group Plotting 2024 Election Interference

The below email was sent to hundreds of journalists and news organizations. It is urgent and represents actionable testimony. If you have any questions, please email me at [email protected]. This email is incredibly urgent and I hope that you give it the attention it needs. It is extremely re...

When does it make sense to build out your MSAT group?

The role of Manufacturing Science and Technology (MSAT) is an open door to operational excellence. MSAT is dedicated to the development, optimization, and continuous improvement of bioprocesses. You already execute all of these functions within various departments, the question is, when does it make...

What is the origin of the Armenians?

Armenians, an ethnic group native to the Armenian highlands in West Asia, form the main population of the Republic of Armenia and have a significant diaspora of around five million people globally. The largest Armenian communities are found in Russia, the United States, France, Georgia, Iran, German...

Group Theory for Beginners: An Intuitive Approach

When we talk about mathematics in terms of its beauty, its symmetry, and its power, we often leave off exactly what these things are. Have you ever stopped to ask yourself what exactly a symmetry is? In this article, I will describe the mathematical study known as Group Theory, whi...

Understanding Group Sequential Testing

A/B tests are the golden standard of causal inference because they allow us to make valid causal statements under minimal assumptions, thanks to randomization. In fact, by randomly assigning a treatment (a drug, ad, product, …), we can compare the outcome of interest ...

Recovery Is a Group Project

Our little doxie mix, Coco has been having health issues as of late. Just two weeks she was running and jumping and dragging us by the leash. And then suddenly she stopped walking one day. Lauren took her to the local emergency vet who said her knees were very sore, but that she didn’t need tr...

“A New Chapter in Medicine: Lady Elizabeth Kelly’s Role at Asclepius Group”

In the ever-evolving landscape of pharmaceuticals, Lady Elizabeth Kelly emerges as a trailblazer, spearheading transformative initiatives within her company, Asclepius Group Pharmaceuticals. With a remarkable blend of visionary leadership and a commitment to innovation, Lady Kelly’s influence ...

Best NBA betting group-Elevate Picks

NBA odds are essentially a numerical representation of the likelihood of various outcomes in a basketball game. These can be in the form of point spreads, money lines, and totals (over/under). Point spreads involve determining a favorite and an underdog, and then “handicapping” the favor...