Understanding Group Sequential Testing

<p>A/B tests are the golden standard of causal inference because they allow us to make valid causal statements under minimal assumptions, thanks to&nbsp;<strong>randomization</strong>. In fact, by randomly assigning a&nbsp;<strong>treatment</strong>&nbsp;(a drug, ad, product, &hellip;), we can compare the&nbsp;<strong>outcome</strong>&nbsp;of interest (a disease, firm revenue, customer satisfaction, &hellip;) across&nbsp;<strong>subjects</strong>&nbsp;(patients, users, customers, &hellip;) and attribute the average difference in outcomes to the causal effect of the treatment.</p> <p>The implementation of an A/B test is usually not instantaneous, especially in online settings. Often users are treated&nbsp;<strong>live</strong>&nbsp;or in&nbsp;<strong>batches</strong>. In these settings, one can look at the data before the data collection is completed, one or multiple times. This phenomenon is called&nbsp;<strong>peeking</strong>. While looking is not problematic in itself, using standard testing procedures when peeking can lead to&nbsp;<strong>misleading conclusions</strong>.</p> <p><a href="https://towardsdatascience.com/understanding-group-sequential-testing-befb35cec07a"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>